When you are away from home on vacation, you take much more valuable personal information with you. Your credit and debit cards, your passport, your driver’s license, your smartphone, medical insurance card, your laptop computer are all contain much valuable information about you. Since they are essential for travel, you have to find ways to protect them from thieves, hackers and many others. Here are few ideas how protect your valuables while traveling.
- Stay away from using public Wi-Fi hotspots. They are magnets for thieves. These locations make it easier for hackers to get your personal information from your laptop, smartphone and other devices. One solution is to create your own Wi-Fi hotspot using a portable router. Your service provider will be able to help you.
- Protect your devices with a password. Most devices enable you to open your devices with a finger swipe which is unique to you. These devices are also capable of locating as well as deleting your personal information if lost or stolen.
- Keep your passport and other personal information locked up in a place such as your hotel. Carry only when you need to go out and make sure to pack them in a belt or something that you can wear with easy access for you.